I am your Nutrition Coach!
Achieve your weight loss, energy and vitality with personalized nutrition solutions.
Our Blog Posts
2021, The Start of My Fitness Journey
Join Our 21 Day Detox Challenge
3 Mistakes People Make by Thinking They Are Hungry When They Are Dehydrated
Understanding Low Iron Levels in Women: Causes and Solutions
Want to Eat Like an IFBB Pro?
Here is the challenge you have in forming new nutrition habits
About Me
CEO and Founder
Feliche Ranger is a certified leadership coach trained under Dr. Myles Munroe and John C. Maxwell. He is the founder of Soar Consulting where he shares biblical principles that empowers leadership development in men.
As a fitness enthusiast, he is passionate about supporting men on their personal healthy lifestyle journey and encourages grace-paced habits.
Feliche believes the health of every home is within the leadership of the head, the man! He is devoted to trailblazing new paths of health leadership in his home where he resides with his beautiful wife, Lathyra and their 2 children, Shalom & Belle.
Through speaking engagements, his blog and digital products, he is able to provide support, wisdom and encouragement to men struggling with identity, leadership and faith.
He believes that in order to repair the breaches and brokenness within society, there must be a revival and restoration of leadership within our men.