Have Your Christmas Cake and Eat It Too: How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Be Your Best Friend During Holiday Feasting

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The Christmas season is known for joyful gatherings, heartwarming traditions and let’s be honest indulgent feasting. Between rich desserts, hearty meals and the endless trays of treats, it can be easy to feel like all your healthy eating habits go out the window. But what if I told you that you can enjoy your Christmas cake and still take care of your health?

Enter apple cider vinegar (ACV) a simple, natural tool to help balance the effects of holiday indulgence while prioritizing self care.

Why Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has been a go to for health enthusiasts for years, and for good reason. It’s packed with potential benefits that can support digestion, stabilize blood sugar levels and even help with feeling less bloated after a big meal.

Here’s how it works:

1. Supports Digestion: Christmas dinners often come with heavy foods that can leave you feeling sluggish. A small dose of ACV before or after a meal helps your body produce more stomach acid, which is essential for breaking down food efficiently.

2. Manages Blood Sugar: With all the sweets and refined carbs in holiday treats, blood sugar spikes are common. Apple cider vinegar has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and slow the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream.

3. Promotes Fullness: Feeling tempted to go for that third helping of stuffing? ACV can help you feel fuller faster, meaning you’re less likely to overeat and regret it later.

4. Reduces Bloating: Festive foods can often cause bloating. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with water can help ease that tight, uncomfortable feeling, letting you enjoy the party instead of focusing on discomfort.

How to Incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar During the Holidays

Adding apple cider vinegar to your holiday routine is easy! Here are a few simple ways to include it:

• Before a Big Meal: Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water about 30 minutes before eating. This can help kickstart your digestion and prep your body for the upcoming feast.

• After Indulging: If you’re feeling extra full or sluggish after a large meal, a diluted shot of ACV can help settle your stomach and reduce bloating.

• In a Festive Drink: You can make a holiday friendly drink using apple cider vinegar, honey, a splash of lemon, and some warm water. Not only is it delicious, but it’s a great way to support your health during all those celebrations.

Self Care During the Holiday Season

Staying healthy during the holidays isn’t just about what you eat. Self care plays a huge role in how we feel during such a busy time. The Christmas season often brings stress with it think of shopping, hosting, traveling, and juggling a million things. Prioritizing self care and balanced eating habits will help you get through the season with energy and joy.

Remember, self care doesn’t mean skipping the holiday treats; it’s about finding balance. Enjoy your Christmas cake, savor those special meals, and know that apple cider vinegar is there to support your body as you indulge.


Holiday feasting doesn’t have to derail your health goals. By incorporating apple cider vinegar into your routine, you can balance the festive eating while staying true to your self care journey. So go ahead, have your cake and eat it too. ACV has your back!


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Get you Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar


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